How To Look, Feel And Be Years Younger Naturally
About the Author - Derek Boughton B.Sc.
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Derek A. Boughton © 2009 - All Rights Reserved
Some of the subjects that Derek describes in his book
How To Look Years Younger Naturally
were unearthed as early as when he was in his teens. For
example, some discoveries about his hair, as well as
noticing some of the other important areas about washing
that are mentioned in the book. Derek has always been an
avid reader and even in his youth he was absorbing what
were then strange subjects such as natural health. Perhaps
one of the most important decisions in his life was inspired
by reading the book by the founder of the Boy Scouts,
Baden-Powell, which was to give up smoking on the spot!
As a ‘mod’ in ‘swinging London’ he certainly became
fashion conscious and developed a considerable awareness
of the culture of youth.
It was throughout this phase and his twenties that he realised the importance of following processes to best deal with certain situations and was also when he formed his opinions about dental practices!
While at university, as well as reading for his major of Mathematics, he studied Sociology and Economics, both solid bases for some of his later interests. This too is when he first trained in martial arts. Derek deliberately chose to work for a company that would provide for his desire to travel the world and soon he was living in and visiting the major cities in Europe.
It was around about this time that he came across techniques to keep the facial skin youthful but did not feel a need to put it into practice in those days. It must be said that during this period, he certainly ate and drank a lot, since the cuisine was so good! In fact his major hobby was eating out in restaurants and he was starting to put on excess weight. Eventually, in the early eighties, Derek arrived in Canberra, Australia as an executive in the IT industry. The restaurants were so poor that within a few months, he gave up his favourite pastime! However, a few years later, by chance, he had a free cholesterol check and the high reading shocked him into deciding to do something serious about his health and so he researched and decided on the diet and new eating habits that saw him quickly lose over 20 pounds (about 10 kilos) and several inches (many centimetres!) from his waist. It was a great pleasure taking all his trousers, several at a time, to the repairers to be taken in!
Since Derek was rapidly approaching 40, he took an interest in many other new activities spurred on by the impending mid-life crisis. He had already taken up karate again which he participated in for many years, achieving a black belt and then continued to train in other systems; he carried out other regular exercise such as attending a gym; and started to study many previously unfamiliar subjects such as meditation, massage, hypnotherapy, and lots of reading in fields anew. By the end of the eighties, he was carrying out most of the techniques that he describes in the book.
During the nineties, Derek was single, after a marriage of 20 years. He was rather bemused to find that people assumed he was 10 – 15 years younger than he actually was. Many pressed him for his ‘secret’, so he vowed one day to write a book about the things that he was doing (that others obviously were not) that were clearly responsible for his youthful appearance. Derek took up dancing enthusiastically and also added a few other useful practices but it was not until 2006 that he finally found time to start producing his book that he had promised so many people.
Now you too can benefit from this collection of natural techniques and practices that Derek describes in his book How to Look Years Younger Naturally. Find out More